This February I am celebrating my freedom in Christ. The freedom I have found from the lies other people and my trauma have told me about myself is abounding! We talked this morning over in the Faith Mamas Tribe about exchanging our old ragged garments for new better ones. The illustration Jesus gave in Luke 5 about patching old cloth with new cloth and putting new wine in old wineskins was put into a clearer light for me. I never really broke it down and looked at it to understand fully.
Why would you take a nice, new shirt and tear it apart to patch an old one that is falling apart!? No, you get rid of the old one and put on the better, new one! We are made new creatures when we accept the gift of Salvation Jesus offers. So, why would we take bits and pieces of Jesus Righteousness and try to patch up our broken selves with that instead of letting go of our old self - stepping out of the comfort of the known mess - and accepting the full covering of His Righteousness!?
I want you to find this freedom too, so I am launching the Identity in Christ course on Valentine's Day! There will be 3 sessions, (4 if you count the intro) Knowing God for who He is, Knowing Yourself as God defines you, and Knowing Healing Through Embracing Your Identity in Christ.
I am so excited to walk alongside you as we explore the path to Hope and Freedom! Here is the link to register for the course - which includes lifetime access to this course (so you can come back any time you need a reminder!) plus 1 full month of Group Mentoring and a live Q and A session with me. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at